Academic website of Dr. Juha Halme


Finding remote work paradise? Remote work and multilocal residency in regional place branding. 9th Nordic Geographers Meeting, Joensuu, Finland, 22.06.2022

Uusia avauksia maakunnallisen aluemarkkinoinnin tutkimukseen. YHKA-tiedekunnan strategiapäivä, Joensuu, Finland, 27.10.2021

Public examination of doctoral thesis "Attractiveness and competitiveness … but for who? Regional place marketing collaboration from a discursive perspective", Lectio praecursoria, Joensuu, Finland, 04.12.2020 (full text available)

Vetovoimaa ja kilpailukykyä, mutta kenelle? - Maakunnallinen aluemarkkinointiyhteistyö diskursiivisesta näkökulmasta. Maantieteenpäivät, Vaasa, Finland, 24.10.2019 - 25.10.2019.

Discourse and power: Case study of discursive construction of stakeholders positions in regional place marketing collaboration. 5th Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing places. Corfu, Greece, 18.04.2018.

Discursive construction of issues and interest by stakeholders in two regional level place marketing projects in Eastern Finland. Inaugural Conference of the International Place Branding Association, 8.12.2016. London, UK, 08.12.2016.

Discursive legitimation in regional level place branding. 5th International Colloquium on Place Brand Management. Cogne, Italy, 03.09.2015.

Maakunnallisen aluebrändäämisen diskursiivinen legitimaatio. Hallinnon tutkimuksen päivät. Vaasa, Finland, 27.11.2014.

Stakeholder participation in place branding: a case study of three regional level place branding programs in Finland. Integrated Territorial Management and Governance - III Postgraduate workshop of the ESPON/ENECON project. Aalborg, Denmark, 28.03.2014.